Part 4, Project 3, Exercise 3: Photo Views

Exercise 3: Think about the two views below – what you can see – as compared to a landscape taken from ground level, a map, or Google Earth, and make some brief notes in your learning log. 

  • Compared to the other photos in the projects I’ve looked at, this is another example of human’s influence on nature, obviously from the way the fields are divided and the fields are used for growing crops.

  • Unlike an artistic landscape photo this seems very bland and dull. There's not a great quality to it.

  • Being an aerial view changes the perspectives on the trees, the lighting and shadows. We don't see the individual beauty of the stones or the plants for example.

  • Its unfamiliar to us as viewers because were not used to seeing this angle.

  • The black and white scale of the photo makes it appear more artistic.

  • The view is more considered, because there is a skyline and a lot more to look at.

  • The angle over the photo is taking us into the scene rather than just looking down on it

  • The horizon line creates perspective that draws the eye to the distance 

  • If this were taken at ground level we perhaps wouldn't see the expanse of the city 

  • If the shot was taken from nearer to the towers, the focus would perhaps shift from the towers to whatever was in the foreground.

  • It could lose the perspective of the scale of the towers if the angle was closer.

  • This angle shows the true size of the towers and how they ‘loom’ over, in comparison to the small cars and people playing in the football match.

I don't believe there is a single place on earth that doesn't live in perpetual change. Or even in the universe. Just because a place hasn't been influenced by other species such as humans, doesn't mean that there isn't constant change going on even on a microscopic level. As humans, name places for our own understanding of the world. Those boundaries and peripheries are created by us, and that place still exists no matter what labels and lines we place on them. As life continues, places will constantly change and evolve. 
